Like many artists, I can’t recall a time I didn’t make art. I take pleasure in the adventure of the process, but paint as a way to spend time with topics that capture my attention; the human predicament and the challenges of living in this world.  

My work addresses these subjects head on, bearing witness. Recurring themes are loss, resilience, conflict, and fragility. Through the lens of hurricanes then snow, avalanches, now floods, plane crashes, disasters both natural and of our own making, I explore our vulnerability and that of the natural world we inhabit.


Monica Whalley received her M.F.A. from the New York Academy of Art, and was awarded the Prince of Wales Scholarship to Normandy, France.

Over the years she has participated in various group shows, most notably the BP Portrait Award at National Portrait Gallery, London, UK, and the 2021 London Art Biennale, and currently with Forum Gallery, NYC.

She is the grateful recipient of the Toronto Arts Council Visual Artist grant for 2023-2024.

She was born in the USA, and  lives with her family in Toronto, Canada.

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